Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Where are the books? Story of a very confused freshman

So I've decided i'm going to start with a story. As some of you may know but many of you do not I work as a library aide in my school library. It's a class, I get credit, and it is all around a good time. So one day while sitting at the front desk of the library, minding my own business and checking in books, I hear the front door open and in walks who I believe to be a freshman. He looks pretty perplexed as he scans the room clearly looking for something or someone and as he walks up to me and i'm about to ask, "Can I help you with something?" He blurts out, "Where are the books?" He said it while drawing out the s in books. I was pretty floored by his question but being the kind nature person I am I couldn't just tell him, "Ummm, what?" So instead I asked him, "What was that?" I truly believed that I had misheard him. I couldn't fathom that he truly did not know where the vast collection of books on obvious shelves were in the library. Directly behind him. In plain sight. He then repeated very clearly, "Where are the books?" At this point I was thinking of the possibilities that could be going on here. He could be younger than he actually looked. or maybe what people insinuated about freshman was true. I told him straight out that the books were behind him on the shelves. After letting out a long, "Ooooooooooooooh," as he turned to the books and walked down the aisle of books. Other ideas came to mind just as to what caused him not to notice the books. Maybe he was a teachers son visiting for the day. Maybe he was just messing with me. what if he just truly couldn't find the books... He never came back to check out the book that he found and he never passed me on the way out of our library. I still wonder to this day just what the hell happened.
So I really have no idea how to start. In the meantime enjoy this picture of a rainbow narwhal with a piece of pizza.

Has your day been Brilliant?

My name is Bryan but most people that know me well enough call me Dare. It doesn't really have a solid meaning but whatever. I'm writing this blog for the sake of my grade in my Composition in the digital age class. The grammar will not be perfect and the post may not be as entertaining to you as they are to me but i'll try my best. Most if not all of my post will either be posts about my day and the unadulterated hilarity that ensues.